Acta Vet. Brno 1998, 67: 243-248

The First Findings on the Differences in Complete Blood Count Between Diploid and Triploid Tench, Tinca tinca L.

Z. Svobodová, J. Kolářová, M. Flajšhans

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  • Bytyutskyy D., Srp J., Flajšhans M.: Use of Feulgen image analysis densitometry to study the effect of genome size on nuclear size in polyploid sturgeons. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2012, 28, 704. <>
  • Pšenička M., Kašpar V., Rodina M., Gela D., Hulák M., Flajšhans M.: Comparative study on ultrastructure and motility parameters of spermatozoa of tetraploid and hexaploid Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2011, 27, 683. <>
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  • Pšenička Martin, Flajšhans Martin, Hulák Martin, Kašpar Vojtěch, Rodina Marek, Borishpolets Sergey, Linhart Otomar: The influence of ploidy level on ultrastructure and motility of tench Tinca tinca (L.) spermatozoa. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 2010, 20, 331. <>
  • Flajšhans Martin, Gela David, Kocour Martin, Buchtová Hana, Rodina Marek, Pšenička Martin, Kašpar Vojtěch, Piačková Veronika, Sudová Eliška, Linhart Otomar: A review on the potential of triploid tench for aquaculture. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 2010, 20, 317. <>
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  • Piačková Veronika, Flajšhans Martin: Long-term examination of health conditions in monoculture of communally tested amphimictic diploid, diploid gynogenic and triploid tench, Tinca tinca (L.). Aquacult Int 2006, 14, 43. <>
  • Flajšhans M., Piačková V.: Difference in blood and water diffusion distance in gill lamellae of diploid and triploid tench Tinca tinca (L.). Journal of Fish Biology 2006, 69, 1870. <>
  • Svobodova Z., Kolarova J.: A review of the diseases and contaminant related mortalities of tench (Tinca tinca L.). Vet. Med. 2004, 49, 19. <>
  • Buchtová Hana, Svobodová Zdeňka, Flajšhans Martin, Vorlová Lenka: Analysis of growth, weight and relevant indices of diploid and triploid population of tench Tinca tinca (Linnaeus 1758). Aquaculture Research 2003, 34, 719. <>
  • Flajšhans M., Vajcová V.: The haematology of gynogenic tench, Tinca tinca L., and of recessively homozygous colour tench strains. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 2003, 19, 170. <>
  • Svobodová Z, Flajšhans M, Kolářová J, Modrá H, Svoboda M, Vajcová V: Leukocyte profiles of diploid and triploid tench, Tinca tinca L. Aquaculture 2001, 198, 159. <>
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