Acta Vet. Brno 2008, 77: 439-445

Effect of Humic Acids on Lead Accumulation in Chicken Organs and Muscles

Z. Zralý, B. Písaříková, M. Trčková, M. Navrátilová

Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic

Received November 12, 2007
Accepted April 14, 2008

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of feeding humic acid (HA) to pullets treated for 10 days on its concentrations in the organs and muscles. Forty pullets allocated to 4 groups with ten birds in each were used in the experiment. Control group (K) was fed the basic diet without supplementation. The second group (HA) was fed the basic diet with HA at the dose of 500 mg/chicken/day. Experimental group 1 (Pb) was fed basic diet containing lead acetate at the dose of 3.54 mg (1.42 mg Pb) per pullet/day and the second experimental group (Pb + HA) was moreover fed 500 mg HA/day. The lead content was determined in the samples of liver, kidney, bone and muscle tissue. Very low lead concentrations detected in the liver, kidneys and muscles of control group constituted the background, which reflected the current status of nutrition. The lead concentrations in the tissues were 4%, 12.6% and 10% of the highest admissible amounts (0.5 and 0.1 mg Pb/kg), respectively. In the experimental group (Pb), significantly increased lead concentrations were detected in liver, kidneys, bones (P < 0.001) and muscles (P < 0.05). The highest accumulation was found in bones (2.711 ± 0.59 mg/kg). Concurrent administration of HA and lead acetate (HA + Pb group) caused a significant decrease in the Pb content, i.e. by 30%, 43.8 %, 53.8 % and 50.6% in liver, kidneys, muscles and bones, respectively, in contrast to experimental group Pb. The values of selected biochemical indicators ranged in reference value limits, except the significant decrease of copper concentration in experimental groups.