Acta Vet. Brno 2016, 85: 395-403
Effects of the origin and caponisation on carcass and meat traits in cockerels and capons aged 18 weeks
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Cheverda I.M., Zakharenko M.О., Solomon V.V.: Clinical condition and productivity of gonadoectomized roosters of Adler silver breed. Sučasne ptahìvnictvo 2021, 18. <>
- Cheverda I., Zakharenko M.: The morphological composition of the blood and the peculiarities of metabolism in gonadectomized cockerels of the Adler silvery breed. Nauk. vìsn. vet. med. 2021, 18. <>
- Zawacka Magdalena, Gesek Michal, Muchalik Danuta, Murawska Daria: Changes in the content of edible and non-edible components and distribution of tissue components in cockerels and capons. Span J Agric Res 2018, 16, e0602. <>