Acta Vet. Brno 2018, 87: 65-71
Effect of an 1800 MHz electromagnetic field emitted during embryogenesis on the blood picture of one-day-old domestic hen chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Krzysztof Pawlak1, Bartosz Bojarski
1, Zenon Nieckarz
2, Marcin Lis
1, Tomasz Wojnar
1University of Agriculture in Kraków, Institute of Veterinary Sciences, Department of Veterinary Science, Reproduction and Animal Welfare, Kraków, Poland
2Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Physics, Experimental Computer Physics Department, Kraków, Poland
3University of Agriculture in Kraków, University Centre of Veterinary Medicine UJ-UR, Kraków, Poland
Received May 1, 2017
Accepted April 3, 2018
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