Acta Vet. Brno 2019, 88: 177-185

Responses for blood morphological indices in a 60-km horse endurance race depending on the season

Indrė Poškienė1, Vida Juozaitienė2, Algis Noreika1, Jurgita Autukaitė1, Rūta Undzenaite1, Mindaugas Televičius1, Dovilė Malašauskienė1, Ramūnas Antanaitis1

1Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Large Animal Clinic, Kaunas, Lithuania
2Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Department of Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Kaunas, Lithuania

Received September 27, 2018
Accepted April 23, 2019


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