Acta Vet. Brno 2019, 88: 419-424

Canine perineal tumours and selected tumour markers

Alexandra Valenčáková-Agyagosová1, Beáta Kiselová-Bileková2, Mária Figurová1, Valent Ledecký1, Luboš Zábranský3, Ľubica Horňáková1

1University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Small Animal Clinic, Košice, Slovakia
2Institute of Nuclear and Molecular Medicine (INMM), Košice, Slovakia
3University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Agriculture, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

Received May 1, 2018
Accepted October 29, 2019

The most frequent canine perineal tumour is the perianal (gland) adenoma (also known as the circumanal adenoma or the hepatoid adenoma). Tumour markers are substances that are produced by the body in response to cancer, or may be produced by cancer itself. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPSA) are tumour antigens that are markers of carcinogenesis, with significantly elevated serum concentrations in the case of some types of tumours. In our study it has been proven that dogs with a perineal tumour (n = 35) had a mean value of CEA 0.69 ng·ml-1 compared to control dogs (n = 150) with 0.67 ng·ml-1 (P > 0.05). In TPSA dogs with perineal tumour, the mean value of TPSA was 15.86 IU·l-1 vs 13.92 IU·l-1 in the control dogs (P < 0.05). The results of the present study show that there is significant differences in TPSA between control dogs and group of dogs with a perineal tumour. Analysis of oncomarkers is a valuable tool for practitioners within small animal oncology, having an advantage over tissue biomarkers as the measurement procedure is non-invasive and shows dynamic changes of physiological and pathological states before clinical signs appear. Therefore, it may be used for an early detection of cancer.


This publication was created within the project of the Medical University Park in Košice (MediPark, Košice), Phase I, ITMS: 26220220185, supported by the Operational Program Research and Development financed from the European Regional Development Fund (OP VaV2012/2.2/08-RO) contracts: OPVaV/12/2013 and NAZV QK1910438.


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