Michal Dolník
Protein profile in dairy cows with left displaced abomasum
Marián Kadaši, Michal Dolník, Simona Mekková, Vladimír Hisira, Veronika Glembová, Pavol Gomulec, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy
2024, Vol. 93, Issue 11, pp. 69-74 -
The effect of a single dose of selenium with vitamin E on oxidative stress and fertilization indicators of ram sperm over the course of spermatogenesis
Michal Dolník, Dagmar Mudroňová, Gabriel Lazar, Marián Kadaši, Ľubica Horňáková, Pavol Mudroň
2023, Vol. 92, Issue 3, pp. 259-265 -
Flow cytometry in assessment of sperm integrity and functionality – a review
Michal Dolník, Dagmar Mudroňová, Ján Pošivák, Gabriel Lazar, Pavol Mudroň
2019, Vol. 88, Issue 2, pp. 169-175