O. Nagy
Milk Iodine Content in Slovakia
I. Paulíková, H. Seidel, O. Nagy, G. Kováč
2008, Vol. 77, Issue 4, pp. 533-538 -
Acute Phase Proteins and Variables of Protein Metabolism in Dairy Cows during the Pre- and Postpartal Period
Cs. Tóthová, O. Nagy, H. Seidel, J. Konvičná, Z. Farkašová, G. Kováč
2008, Vol. 77, Issue 1, pp. 51-57 -
Selection of Arteries for Blood Sampling and Evaluation of Blood Gases and Acid-Base Balance in Cattle
O. Nagy, G. Kováč, H. Seidel, I. Paulíková
2002, Vol. 71, Issue 3, pp. 289-296 -
Effects of Haemoperfusion on Selected Indices of Blood Biochemistry in Sheep
H. Seidel, P. Bartko, G. Kováč, I. Paulíková, O. Nagy
1997, Vol. 66, Issue 4, pp. 213-218
The following name might also represent this author:
Oskar Nagy
Protein profile in dairy cows with left displaced abomasum
Marián Kadaši, Michal Dolník, Simona Mekková, Vladimír Hisira, Veronika Glembová, Pavol Gomulec, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy
2024, Vol. 93, Issue 11, pp. 69-74 -
The electrophoretic pattern of serum proteins in dogs with babesiosis
Csilla Tóthová, Branislav Lukáč, Marián Kadaši, Darina Baranová, Tatiana Weissová, Oskar Nagy
2019, Vol. 88, Issue 4, pp. 425-432 -
The concentrations of selected blood serum proteins in calves during the first three months of life
Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy, Veronika Nagyová, Gabriel Kováč
2016, Vol. 85, Issue 1, pp. 33-40 -
Haematological and blood biochemical alterations associated with respiratory disease in calves
Helena Šoltésová, Veronika Nagyová, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy
2015, Vol. 84, Issue 3, pp. 249-256 -
Comparison of serum protein electrophoretic pattern in cows and small ruminants
Oskar Nagy, Csilla Tóthová, Veronika Nagyová, Gabriel Kováč
2015, Vol. 84, Issue 2, pp. 187-195 -
Changes in the serum protein electrophoretic pattern in lambs during the first month of life
Oskar Nagy, Csilla Tóthová, Veronika Nagyová, Gabriel Kováč, Ján Pošivák
2014, Vol. 83, Issue 3, pp. 187-193 -
The effect of chronic respiratory diseases in calves on the serum protein electrophoretic pattern
Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy, Herbert Seidel, Gabriel Kováč
2012, Vol. 81, Issue 4, pp. 365-370 -
Milk amyloid A and selected serum proteins in cows suffering from mastitis
Gabriel Kováč, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy, Herbert Seidel
2011, Vol. 80, Issue 1, pp. 3-9 -
Acute Phase Proteins and their Relation to Energy Metabolites in Dairy Cows during the Pre- and Postpartal Period
Gabriel Kováč, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy, Herbert Seidel, Jana Konvičná
2009, Vol. 78, Issue 3, pp. 441-447