Keyword index
- β-1,3/1,6-D-glucan
- β-catenin
- B-cell epitopes
- β-globulins
- β-hydroxybutyric acid
- β-lactoglobulin
- B. henselae
- β3-adrenoreceptor agonist
- Babesia canis
- Babesia ovis
- Bacillus cereus
- Bacillus spp.
- backfat thickness
- bacteria
- Bacteria
- bacterial detection
- Bacterial infection
- bacterial infection
- bacterial peritonitis
- bacterial resistance
- bacterial toxins
- bacterial zoonoses
- bactericidal activity
- bacteriological examination
- bacteriological mastitis
- bacteriology
- baked and cold marinade
- Balanced equine anaesthesia
- Baranyi-Roberts model
- Barbus barbus
- barley
- barrows
- bat
- Bathybothrium
- Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
- Bats
- bax
- Baypamun©
- Baypamune®
- bcl-2
- bcl-x
- BE
- beagle
- Bean
- Bee product
- beef
- Beef
- Beef calves
- beef cattle
- Beekeeping
- Beetal goat
- behaviour
- behaviour score
- Behaviour traits
- behavioural problems
- Behavioural sensitisation
- Behavioural sensitization
- behavioural tests
- Bendiocarb
- benign tumour
- benign tumours
- Benomyl pathology
- benzimidazole
- benzimidazoles
- Beta-lactams
- Beta vulgaris
- beta2-toxin
- BFRs
- bile acid
- bile acid stimulation test
- bile acids
- Biliary ablation
- biliary tract surgery
- binding epitope
- bioaccumulation
- Bioactive substances
- bioassay
- bioavailability
- bioavailabitity
- Biocellulose
- biochemical and haematological indicators
- biochemical indicator
- biochemical indicators
- biochemical indices
- Biochemical markers
- biochemical parameters
- biochemical profile
- biochemical profile of blood
- biochemical properties
- biochemical variables
- biochemistry
- biochemistry indicators
- Biodegradable
- biodegradable scaffold
- biodegradable screw
- Biodegradation
- biofilm
- biofortification
- Biogenic amines
- biological dosimetry
- biological growth promotor
- biomanipulation
- Biomarker
- biomarkers
- Biomarkers
- biomaterial
- biomaterials
- biomechanic
- Biomechanical analysis
- biomechanical properties
- biomechanical study
- biomechanical testing
- biomonitoring
- biophysical indicators of food
- biopolymer
- Biotechnology
- biotechnology
- biotransformation
- birds
- Birth type
- bite wounds
- biting
- Biuret method
- BKCa and KATP potassium channel
- black queen cell virus
- Bladder reparation
- blastocyst
- Blepharoplasty
- blood
- blood profile
- Blood analysis
- blood biochemical indicators
- blood biochemistry
- Blood biochemistry
- blood cell
- blood cells
- Blood chemistry
- Blood count
- blood enzymes
- blood glucose level
- Blood hypothermic cardioprotection
- blood indicators
- Blood indicators
- blood indices
- Blood minerals
- blood parameters
- Blood parasites
- Blood pathogens
- blood plasma
- blood plasma nutrition status
- blood pressure
- blood sample
- blood serum
- blood serum indicators
- blood sucking insects
- blood transfusion
- Blossom honey
- blue-green algae
- Boar
- boar semen evaluation
- boars
- body cleanliness
- body condition
- body condition loss
- Body condition score
- body mass
- body size
- Body status
- body temperature
- body weight
- Body weight
- body weight gain
- Bohemian Spotted cattle
- Bologna-type sausage
- bone
- bone bridge
- bone composition
- bone defect
- bone healing
- Bone markers
- bone marrow
- bone mass
- bone metabolism
- bone mineral density
- bone quality
- bone regeneration
- Bone replacement
- Bone substitution
- bone tissue
- Boric acid
- Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
- Borrelial infection
- botulinum neurotoxin
- Bovalto
- bovine
- Bovine
- Bovine amniotic fluid
- Bovine colostrum
- bovine ephemeral fever
- Bovine mastitis
- Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
- Bovines
- bowel diseases
- boys
- BP-A31 cells
- bradycardic effect
- brain
- Brain base arteries
- brain damage
- Brain injury
- bream
- breast and leg muscles
- breast and thigh muscles
- breast meat
- Breast meat
- breed
- Breeder
- Breeding environment
- Brix%
- broad-spectrum beta-lactamases
- Broiler
- Broiler breast meat
- broiler chicken
- broiler chickens
- Broiler meat
- broilers
- Bromelain
- Bromocresol green
- bromocresol purple
- bronchi
- bronchopneumonia
- brood fish
- brook trout
- Broth microdilution method
- Brown-egg layers
- brown trout
- Brucella abortus
- brucellosis
- brush-border
- BTV-9
- Bubalus bubalis
- buckwheat
- buffaloes
- Buffer
- Bufo
- Bulk milk
- Bulk ovine milk
- bulk samples
- Bulk tank milk samples
- Bull
- Bull semen
- bull sperm
- bulls
- Bulls
- bunching
- Butisan 400 SC
- buttress osteosynthesis
- buttress plate
- butyric acid