Keyword index
- H2 inhibitors
- H9
- haemagglutination inhibition
- haematocrit
- haematological and biochemical examination of blood
- haematological and biochemical indicators
- haematological indicators
- haematological indices
- haematological parameters
- haematological profile
- Haematological toxicity
- Haematology
- haematology
- haematopoiesis
- haematopoietic stem cell
- haemoglobin
- haemoprotozoa
- haemorrhagic enteritis virus
- Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis
- Haflinger
- Ham's F-12
- handling
- Hannover strain
- haplotype
- Haptoglobin
- haptoglobin
- haptoglobin antibody
- Haptoglobulin
- Harderian gland
- hardness
- hatcheries
- hatching
- hazard index
- hazardous elements
- hCG
- HCO3-
- head morphology
- head vascularity
- healing
- Health
- health
- health of pigs
- Health status
- health status
- health status indicators
- healthy cats
- heamagglutination inhibition
- heamoglobin
- hearing loss
- heart
- heart and testis tissues
- heart diameter
- heart disease
- heart lesion
- heart rate
- Heart rate variability
- heart rate variability
- heat period
- heat sterilization
- heat stress
- heat treatment
- heavy metal
- heavy metals
- Heavy metals
- heifer
- Heifer
- heifers
- helicobacter
- Helicobacter spp.
- helmeted guineafowl
- Hemilaminectomy
- hemisection
- hen
- Hens
- Hepatectomy
- hepatic failure
- hepatocytes
- hepatoid gland tumours
- hepatoprotective
- hepatoprotective effect
- hepatotoxicity
- Hepatozoon canis
- Hepatozoonozis
- herbal extract
- herbal extracts
- herbal preparations
- herbs
- herd
- herd-health
- herd management
- herd navigator
- heritability
- heterothermy
- HEV vaccination
- hibernation
- high-fat high-fructose diet
- high intensity laser therapy (HILT)
- high performance liquid chromatography
- Hip dysplasia
- Hisex Brown
- histochemical
- histochemical analysis
- histochemical detection
- histochemical identification of lectins
- histochemistry
- histological
- histological examination
- histological examination of tissues
- histological traits
- histology
- histometry
- histopathological evaluation
- histopathology
- Histopathology
- HMF content
- hMSC
- Hog cholera
- Holstein
- Holstein cattle
- Holstein Friesian cows
- home
- homeorhetic changes
- Homeostasis
- homeostatic changes
- Homogenization
- honey
- Honey bee products
- Honey bees
- Honey quality
- Honeybee
- Honeybees
- honeydew
- hormesis
- hormonal implants
- hormonal hypersensitivity
- hormones
- horse
- Horse
- horse riding
- horse bean
- Horse chestnut
- horse racing
- Horseback pain
- housing
- housing design
- Housing system
- HT-2 toxin
- Hubenov
- huddling
- human-cat interactions
- human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
- human health
- humectant
- humeral condylar fracture
- humeral intercondylar fissure
- Humic acid
- humic substances
- humidity
- humoral and cellular immune response
- hunting
- hunting dog
- Hyalobarrier Gel
- hydride generation
- hydrocephalus
- hydrogen breath test
- hydrogen sulfide
- hydrogen sulphide
- Hydrolysable tannins
- hydrophobicity
- hydroxyapatite
- hydroxyethylcellulose
- Hydroxyproline
- hydroxypropylcellulose
- Hygienic quality
- hygienic quality
- hypercoagulability
- hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal region
- hyperlipidaemia
- hyperplasia
- Hypersensitivity
- hyphomycet es
- Hyplus
- hypoalbuminaemia
- hypocalcaemia
- Hypodynamia
- Hypodynamy
- Hypoglycin A
- hypokaliaemia
- hypoluteoidism
- hypotonic erytrocyte lysis