Acta Vet. Brno 2006, 75: 39-48

The Effect of Feed and Temperature Regimen on Lipid Oxidation in Muscle of Broiler Chickens

A. Halamíčková, L. Vorlová, M. Smutná, E. Straková, P. Suchý, V. Večerek

University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology, Brno, Czech Republic

Received April 11, 2005
Accepted November 10, 2005

The paper presents the effects of temperature and feed composition on the stability of lipids in breast and thigh muscles of COBB 500 meat hybrids. The chickens were reared in accordance with the technological procedure. The diet of experimental groups contained Proenergol in combination with Energol; the diet of control group chickens contained Proenergol and soybean oil. In the control groups and in half of the experimental groups, the temperature was reduced in agreement with the technological procedure, while it was kept at the constant level of 31 °C in other groups. The feeding continued up to the age of 42 days. The level of lipid oxidation was determined using malondialdehyde assays. No differences between individual groups of chickens were found in the breast muscle. In the thigh muscle, the introduction of Energol resulted in non-significant differences between the control and chickens kept in heat stress conditions. Negative correlation between lipid oxidation and live weight was established in control chickens fed soybean oil (p < 0.05). This correlation was positive (p < 0.05) in young male chicks fed Energol and kept at constantly increased temperature.