Acta Vet. Brno 2007, 76: 357-361

The Effect of Essential Oil Intake on Changes of Plasma Antioxidant Status in Mice

Š. Faix1, Š. Juhas1, Z. Faixová2

1Institute of Animal Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic
2University of Veterinary Medicine, Košice, Slovak Republic

Received February 1, 2007
Accepted July 9, 2007

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of four essential oils intake by feed, namely Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Ness, and Syzygium aromaticum on antioxidant status in mice in vivo. Essential oils were in the aether oleum form. They were diluted with ethanol absolute mixed with ground pelett (0.1, 0.25, 0.57 and 1% concentration) and thereafter ethanol was evaporated. SOD, GPx activities and TAS were measured in erythrocytes and plasma spectrophotometrically with Ransod, Ransel and TAS kits from RANDOX, respectively. GPX activity showed a significant increase in 0.25% and 0.1% concentration of Origani aetheroleum. The GPx activities were decreased in 1% concentration of Thymi aetheroleum and 0.57% concentration of Cinnamomi aetheroleum and 0.57% concentration of Caryophylli aetheroleum. The total antioxidant status showed a significant decrease in 1 % concentration of Origani aetheroleum and significantly increased in 0.1% concentration. The same results were found in Thymi aetheroleum. Cinnamomi aetheroleum and Caryophylli aetheroleum had not effect on total antioxidant status. SOD activities were not significantly changed after intake of essential oils. In conclusion, our results showed, that concentration of essential oil is very important for antioxidant status and also for metabolism of mice, because a high dose of essential oil has adverse effect on metabolism of mice, representated by a lower growth of the body weight. On the other hand, essential oils at lower concentrations have positive effect on antioxidant status of mice.