Acta Vet. Brno 2008, 77: 277-284
Biomaterials and Stem Cells in the Treatment of Articular Cartilage, Meniscal, Physeal, Bone, Ligamentous and Tendineous Defects
This review briefly summarizes existing results and main trends in experimental studies dealing with the possibilities of the use of biomaterials and mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of diseases affecting tissues derived from the mesoderm, i.e. articular cartilage, meniscus, physis, bone, ligaments and tendons. The aim of these experimental studies is to find optimal forms of treatment of the diseases of individual parts of the musculoskeletal system using methods of tissue engineering with the use of stem cell transplantation.
Tissue engineering, mesenchymal stem cells, cartilage, physis, joint, meniscus.