Acta Vet. Brno 2009, 78: 649-655
In vivo Evaluation of Marginal Microgaps of Sheep Incisors filled with Two Composite Materials
The aim of the study was to evaluate the marginal microgaps of two light-induced polymerization composite materials: Filtek P60 (3M ESPE) and Opticor New (Spofa Dental) in ovine teeth in vivo. The restorative materials were placed to type A-cavity to buccal surfaces of permanent teeth (Triadan system 301, 302, 303, 401, 402, 403). The variables of composite materials were evaluated in 3 groups of animals, 2 animals in each, at different time intervals (1, 6 and 9 months after beginning of the experiment). In various time intervals, 12 teeth per group were extracted under general injection anaesthesia, 6 teeth from each animal). Altogether 36 teeth were extracted throughout the experiment. During the experiment we observed neither cracks nor marginal discoloration in both Filtek P60 and Opticor New restorations. Retention of all restorations was 100%. Significant (P = 0.029 ANOVA) differences were observed in the dentin with Filtek P60 packable restorations which exhibited smaller marginal microgaps (OPTICOR NEW and dentin 11.09 mm, FILTEK P60 and dentin 5.64 μm). The mean size of microgaps between dentin and the packable composite material Filtek P60 was significantly lower (P = 0.029 ANOVA) in comparison with the microhybrid Opticor New composite restorations. These materials are suitable as permanent restoration of dental cervical caries in sheep and other herbivores, such as those kept in zoological gardens and companion animals.
Light-cure filling, dentition, histology, restoration, sheep, experiment.