Acta Vet. Brno 2010, 79: 319-327

Clinical and Diagnostic Features in Three Dogs Naturally Infected with Borrelia spp.

Pavel Schánilec1, Kateřina Kybicová2, Carlos F. Agudelo1, František Treml3

1Small Animal Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic,
2National Institute of Public Health, National Reference Laboratory of Lyme Borreliosis, Prague, Czech Republic,
3Department of Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Epidemiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Czech Republic

Received March 30, 2009
Accepted December 3, 2009

The aim of this study was to present clinical and neurological signs, laboratory abnormalities, serologic and/or molecular findings in three dogs from the region of Brno in the Czech Republic. All dogs were naturally infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. The evidence of borrelial infection was proved by serial blood sampling for IgM and IgG anti-borrelial antibodies or plasma PCR. The dogs manifested corresponding clinical signs and one or more of the following criteria were fulfilled: (1) 4-fold or greater increase or decrease in B. burgdorferi s. l. IgM or IgG antibodies serial titres in acute and convalescent stage of infection, (2) a shift from positive IgM to IgG antibodies titres, (3) decrease of IgM with concurrent increase of IgG antibodies in serial titres, (4) detection of borrelial DNA by PCR. Other possible tick-borne infections were excluded. All three dogs showed neurological signs (two of them meningoencephalomyelitis, one seizure connected with progressive renal disease). Their history, clinical signs, diagnostic procedures and treatment are described. Two of the dogs died and only one with meningoencephalomyelitis survived. Our results show that borrelial infection must be taken into consideration, not only in cases with febrile and orthopaedic signs but also in many other clinical syndromes.


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