Acta Vet. Brno 2015, 84: 167-171
Emergency laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy for acute abdomen due to testicular torsion in a dog
A 7-year-old male Siberian husky was presented with signs of acute abdomen. Based on the history and diagnostic imaging findings, torsion of an undescended abdominal testis was presumed. Emergency exploratory laparoscopy was performed and confirmed spermatic cord torsion in a non-neoplastic testis. The testis was enlarged and local peritonitis was evident. Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy was performed and the dog recovered uneventfully. Histopathology confirmed thrombosis and necrosis. Laparoscopy is not only the method of choice for elective cryptorchidectomy, but can also be used in patients with acute abdomen from testicular torsion of an undescended testis.
Torsion, undescended testis, minimally invasive surgery, peritonitis.
Laparoscopic instruments were supported by IGA VFU Brno (44/2013/FVL).