Acta Vet. Brno 2015, 84: 357-363

The effect of feed rations containing high moisture crimped corn ensiled with microbial inoculant or chemical additive on milk production and metabolism of dairy cows

László Könyves1, Pál Rafai1, Harry Miettinen2, Péter Kovács1, Viktor Jurkovich1, Endre Brydl1

1Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd-health and Veterinary Applied Ethology, Budapest, Hungary
2Nöykkiönlaaksontie, Espoo, Finland

Received March 17, 2015
Accepted November 10, 2015

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  • ISSN 0001-7213 (printed)
  • ISSN 1801-7576 (electronic)

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