Acta Vet. Brno 2016, 85: 3-7

Arteries of the head and encephalic base in a case of conjoined twin cattle

Hieronim Frąckowiak, Katarzyna Szczepańska, Maria Nabzdyk, Paweł Pawlak, Maciej Zdun

Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Anatomy of Animals, Poznań, Poland

Received January 20, 2015
Accepted November 10, 2015

Dicephaly is a peculiar type of conjoined twins, which is observed in cattle and other vertebrates. The analysis demonstrates the course and division of arteries of the cranium of a one-day-old two-headed conjoined calf. In comparison with the normal pattern of the bovine cranial vasculature, the arteries of the head of the conjoined animal were considerably modified. The absence of the arteries found in anatomically normal cattle was compensated by very strong, modified linguofacial trunks located at the place where the animals’ heads were conjoined.


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