Keyword index
- P
- P53
- p63
- pachymetry
- package
- package declaration
- packed cell volume
- Paederia foetida
- Paenibacillus larvae
- pain
- pain scores
- pair housing
- Pakistan
- palmitic acid
- palmitoleic acid
- pancreas
- pancreatic duct
- pancytokeratin
- pantophysin I gene
- papain
- Papillomatosis
- papillomatosis
- parabens
- Parainfluenza 3
- paraparesis
- Paraplegia
- paraplegia
- Parasite
- parasites
- paravertebral ganglia
- parenchymatous tissues
- parental generation
- parity
- parity statuses
- Particulate matter
- parturition
- passive transfer of immunity
- pastern joint
- pasteurization
- pasteurized milk
- pasture
- patella alta/baja
- patho-anatomical findings
- pathoanatomical findings
- pathogen
- pathogen bacteria
- Pathogen Modelling Program
- pathogenesis
- Pathogenicity
- pathogens
- pathological change
- pathological diagnostics
- pathology
- pathomorphology
- PAX5
- pCO2
- PCR-RFLP technique
- PCR diagnostics
- pegbovigrastim
- pelleted starter
- pelletization
- penetration
- pentylenetetrazole
- peptides
- peracute mortality
- Perca fluviatilis
- perch
- percutaneous
- performance
- performance indicators
- Perfringolysin O
- Perianal abscess
- perianal glands
- periocular toxicity
- periodontal disease
- periodontal diseases
- Periodontopathogenic bacteria
- peripartal period
- Peripartal period
- periparturient period
- periparturient stress
- peripheral blood
- peripheral blood lymphocytes
- Peripheral nerve
- peripheral nerves
- peripheral tissue
- peritoneography
- peritonitis
- Perivascular epithelioid cell tumour
- permethrin
- Peroxidase defect
- persistence
- Persistent organic pollutants
- Pest control
- pesticide
- pesticides
- PGE2
- PGE2 - antagonists
- PGF2α
- pH
- pH sensitive
- pH value
- phagocyte activity
- phagocytes
- phagocytic activity
- phagocytosis
- pharmaceuticals
- pharmacodynamics
- pharmacotoxicology
- Phasianus colchicus
- pheasants
- phenolic compound
- phenolics
- Phenothiazines
- phenotype
- Phenylbutazone
- phenytoin
- Phlebotomus
- phobia
- phosphatidylserine
- Phosphine
- phosphorus
- Photosensitization
- phthalates
- Phthalates
- physeal repair
- physical
- physical activity
- physical therapy
- physico-chemical properties
- physiological response
- physiological variables
- physiology
- physis
- phytochemicals
- pig
- pig model
- piglet
- piglets
- pigments
- Pigs
- pigs
- pikeperch
- pinacidil
- pinealectomy
- Piroplasmids
- pithed pheasant
- Plant allergens
- Plant extract
- plant extracts
- plant fats
- plant material
- plant oil extract
- Plant poisoning
- plasma
- plasma biochemistry
- plasma chemistry
- plasma corticosterone
- plasma indicators
- plasma indices
- plasma progesterone
- plasmacytoma
- plasmid
- Plate
- platelet rich plasma
- Pleomorphic bacteria
- ploidy level
- plucking
- Pneumoabdomen
- pneumoscrotum
- pododermatitis purulenta
- Poisoning
- Poisonous plants
- Poland
- Polish Holstein Friesian
- pollution
- poly I:C
- Polyacrylonitrile nanofibres
- Polyaluminium chloride
- polybrominated diphenyl ethers
- polycaprolacton
- polycaprolactone nanofibre
- polydioxanone
- polyester
- polyglucosan bodies
- polymearase chain reaction
- polymerase chain reaction
- polymorphism
- polyp
- polyploidy
- polysaccharides
- polytape graft
- polyunsaturated fatty acid
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3
- pomiferin
- Poodles
- porcine circovirus
- porcine circovirus type 2
- porcine enterovirus encephalomyelitis
- porcine parvovirus
- porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
- porcine rubulavirus
- porcine semen quality
- pork
- pork meat
- portal vein
- Portosystemic vascular anomaly
- portosystemic vascular anomaly
- post-mortem treatment
- post-vaccination immunity
- post mortem examination
- post TAI
- posthatching changes
- postmortem examination
- postnatal changes
- postnatal development
- postnatal period
- postpartal
- postpartal period
- postpartum anoestrus
- postpartum disease
- Postpartum period
- postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome
- Potassium
- potassium dichromate
- potassium iodide
- poultry
- Poultry
- Poultry, antibodies, RT-nested PCR, sequencing
- Poultry carcass
- Poultry meat
- poultry nutrition
- poultry processing plant
- poultry production chain
- poultry tissues
- pre-clinical study
- pre-purchase examination
- pre-slaughter handling
- prealbumin
- prebiotic
- prebiotic fructans
- prebiotics
- Predatory fish
- predictive microbiology
- predisposing factors
- pregnancy
- pregnancy loss
- pregnancy length
- pregnancy rate
- Pregnancy rate
- pregnant queen
- preheating
- preimplantation embryo
- premolars
- preparation
- prepartal period
- prepubertal gilts
- prepuce
- preservatives
- Prevalence
- prevalence
- preventative medicine
- prevention
- preventive effect
- primary neoplasm
- Primates
- primers
- principal component analysis
- printed area
- Probe
- Probiotic
- Probiotics
- probiotics
- Proboscidea
- procedures
- Processed cheese
- processing
- processing plant
- production
- Production
- production efficiency
- production indicator
- productive genes
- productive indexes
- products
- profile
- progenitor cells
- progeny
- progesteron
- progesterone
- progestin
- prognosis
- prognostic marker
- proinflammatory cytokines
- prolactin
- proliferating cell nuclear antigen
- proliferative phase
- proline iminopeptidase
- prolonged administration
- Prometryne
- properties
- prophylaxis
- propidium iodide
- Propolis
- Propylene phenoxytol
- prostaglandins
- prostate gland
- Prostate gland tumour
- prostatic fluid cultivation
- prostatic massage
- protection
- protein
- protein and non-protein thiol groups
- protein content
- protein efficiency ratio (PER)
- Protein electrophoresis
- protein fractions
- protein G
- protein L
- protein profile
- Protein source
- proteinated form
- proteinated forms
- proteins
- Proteinuria
- proteolysis
- Prothrombotic conditions
- protostrongylids
- protozoon parasites
- Protrusion
- proventricular dilatation syndrome
- proximal duodenum
- PrP
- pruritus
- pseudo-Meigs' syndrome
- Pseudokyrchneriella subcapitata
- Psittaciformes
- psychoemotional stress - restraint
- psychrotrophic microorganisms
- pterines
- public health
- pulmonary arterial pressure
- pulmonary oedema
- pulmonary pressure
- pulsatility index
- pulsotype
- punch grafts
- puppy aptitude test
- pure breeds
- pure protein
- purebreed
- purulent dermatitis
- Putrescine
- putrescine
- pyrantel tartrate
- pyruvate decarboxylase